Net Promoter Score (NPS)


From time to time CodeSecure asks their customers to complete an NPS survey which in practice presents one general question. 

'How likely are you to recommend CodeSecure to a colleague or friend?'

This question is triggered at different stages of the customer experience including when a support ticket is marked resolved. The channels in operation are meant to ask the same question to ensure we sample customers at different intervals. There is process however to make sure CodeSecure does not over survey customers. 

The NPS question is rated from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. The following article explains a little on how the rating works. The feedback provided enables CodeSecure to react accordingly when things are working well and when things didn't work out as expected. Every survey is read and actions are taken to ensure a feedback loop is created. On occasions, different stakeholders of the business are brought into the conversation so that CodeSecure reacts appropriately and take any necessary actions to improve the overall experience.  

Providing feedback means the world to CodeSecure and it only takes a minute to candidly tell how CodeSecureis doing. Don't hold back, complete a survey when presented so you can provide your opinions and ideas on how we can improve. 

Survey Template

The following diagram shows what a survey looks like:

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 3.03.03 PM.png


Previous Year Scores

2021 (Oct-Dec)


2022 (full year)


2023 (full year)

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 10.30.14.png

2024 (full year)

Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 11.48.12.png

Benchmarking (Technology/Software)

A good NPS score in one industry can be a bad score in another. Therefore, to understand how to compare against others in the same industry you can benchmark your score. Based on results for 2024 CodeSecure achieved the highest percentile. To understand more read this interesting blog post.


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