ISO/IEC TS 17961

The categories list for each CodeSonar warning includes any relevant rule identifiers from ISO/IEC TS 17961 "C Secure Coding Rules Technical Specification".

Relevant Warning Classes

The following accordion show the CodeSonar warning classes that are associated with ISO/IEC TS 17961 rules.

Mapping Definition

The table below show classes from our broad mapping which for a given warning class and category kind combines categories from four sources:

  1. The close mapping for the class.
  2. Other categories of that kind that are related to the class in a meaningful way, but not eligible for the close mapping. Usually this indicates a substantial overlap between category and warning class, but overlap that cannot be characterized as a subset or superset relationship.
  3. It the category kind is hierarchical (of the current category taxonomies, only We has this property): tor all categories trom sources 1 and 2, all ancestors in the taxonomy hierarchy
  4. In a small number of cases, all descendants of a hierarchical category source 1 or 2 are also applicable to the class. In these cases the descendants are also added to the broad mapping
Mapping Tables

Mapping Summary

  Supported All Percent Coverage
All 41 45 91.1%

Mapping Detail

Rule Rule Name Supported
TS17961:5.1-ptrcomp 5.1. Accessing an object through a pointer to an incompatible type Yes
TS17961:5.2-accfree 5.2. Accessing freed memory Yes
TS17961:5.3-accsig 5.3. Accessing shared objects in signal handlers Yes
TS17961:5.4-boolasgn 5.4. No assignment in conditional expressions Yes
TS17961:5.5-asyncsig 5.5. Calling functions in the C Standard Library other than abort, _Exit, and signal from within a signal handler Yes
TS17961:5.6-argcomp 5.6. Calling functions with incorrect arguments Yes
TS17961:5.7-sigcall 5.7. Calling signal from interruptible signal handlers Yes
TS17961:5.8-syscall 5.8. Calling system Yes
TS17961:5.9-padcomp 5.9. Comparison of padding data Yes
TS17961:5.10-intptrconv 5.10. Converting a pointer to integer or integer to pointer Yes
TS17961:5.11-alignconv 5.11. Converting pointer values to more strictly aligned pointer types No
TS17961:5.12-filecpy 5.12. Copying a FILE object Yes
TS17961:5.13-funcdecl 5.13. Declaring the same function or object in incompatible ways Yes
TS17961:5.14-nullref 5.14. Dereferencing an out-of-domain pointer Yes
TS17961:5.15-addrescape 5.15. Escaping of the address of an automatic object Yes
TS17961:5.16-signconv 5.16. Conversion of signed characters to wider integer types before a check for EOF Yes
TS17961:5.17-swtchdflt 5.17. Use of an implied default in a switch statement Yes
TS17961:5.18-fileclose 5.18. Failing to close files or free dynamic memory when they are no longer needed Yes
TS17961:5.19-liberr 5.19. Failing to detect and handle standard library errors Yes
TS17961:5.20-libptr 5.20. Forming invalid pointers by library function Yes
TS17961:5.21-invptr 5.21. Forming or using out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts Yes
TS17961:5.22-dblfree 5.22. Freeing memory multiple times Yes
TS17961:5.23-usrfmt 5.23. Including tainted or out-of-domain input in a format string Yes
TS17961:5.24-inverrno 5.24. Incorrectly setting and using errno Yes
TS17961:5.25-diverr 5.25. Integer division errors Yes
TS17961:5.26-ioileave 5.26. Interleaving stream inputs and outputs without a flush or positioning call Yes
TS17961:5.27-strmod 5.27. Modifying string literals Yes
TS17961:5.28-libmod 5.28. Modifying the string returned by getenv, localeconv, setlocale, and strerror Yes
TS17961:5.29-intoflow 5.29. Overflowing signed integers Yes
TS17961:5.30-nonnullstr 5.30. Passing a non-null-terminated string to a library function Yes
TS17961:5.31-chrsgnext 5.31. Passing arguments to character-handling functions that are not representable as unsigned char Yes
TS17961:5.32-restrict 5.32. Passing pointers into the same object as arguments to different restrict-qualified parameters Yes
TS17961:5.33-xfree 5.33. Reallocating or freeing memory that was not dynamically allocated Yes
TS17961:5.34-uninitref 5.34. Referencing uninitialized memory Yes
TS17961:5.35-ptrobj 5.35. Subtracting or comparing two pointers that do not refer to the same array Yes
TS17961:5.36-taintstrcpy 5.36. Tainted strings are passed to a string copying function Yes
TS17961:5.37-sizeofptr 5.37. Taking the size of a pointer to determine the size of the pointed-to type Yes
TS17961:5.38-taintnoproto 5.38. Using a tainted value as an argument to an unprototyped function pointer Yes
TS17961:5.39-taintformatio 5.39. Using a tainted value to write to an object using a formatted input or output function Yes
TS17961:5.40-xfilepos 5.40. Using a value for fsetpos other than a value returned from fgetpos No
TS17961:5.41-libuse 5.41. Using an object overwritten by getenv, localeconv, setlocale, and strerror Yes
TS17961:5.42-chreof 5.42. Using character values that are indistinguishable from EOF No
TS17961:5.43-resident 5.43. Using identifiers that are reserved for the implementation No
TS17961:5.44-invfmtstr 5.44. Using invalid format strings Yes
TS17961:5.45-taintsink 5.45. Tainted, potentially mutilated, or out-of-domain integer values are used in a restricted sink Yes
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