CodeSonar: Supported Platforms, Languages, and Compilers


This article provides information on what support is given to host platform, languages and compilers. The information listed below can be found in the manual by searching for the keyword 'System Requirements' which then will result in other topics being linked thereafter.

Platform Support

OS Version Notes

Desktop: 10, 11

Server: 2016, 2019, 2022


Linux All flavors

glibc 2.11.3 or later (x86 and x86-64 only)

If your source tree includes non-ASCII file or directory names, then:

  • The locales package must be installed.
  • The locale environment corresponding to those file and directory names must be defined.

See the documentation for your Linux distribution if you need information on how to define a locale environment: the mechanism is distribution-dependent. For example, Ubuntu and Debian provide command locale-gen; CentOS and Fedora provide localedef.

NetBSD 8.1 x86-64 only; 64-bit build tools only
FreeBSD 12 x86-64 only; 64-bit build tools only

It is important to note the the following when running CodeSonar for Java/C# analysis:

  • CodeSonar Java analysis is available on 64-bit Windows and Linux only.
  • CodeSonar C# analysis is available on 64-bit Windows only, and requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.

Language Support

Language/Tiers Features Standards Notes

Tier 1






ANSI X.3.159-1989 / ISO/IEC 9899:1990

ISO/IEC 9899:1999

ISO/IEC 9899:2011

ISO/IEC 9899:2018

All features supported. CodeSonar parses and generates internal representation for all features from these standards




Many features supported, see manual for more information.



C++11 (C++0x)

C+14 (C++1y)

C++17 (C++1z)




ISO/IEC 14882:1998

ISO/IEC 14882:2011

ISO/IEC 14882:2014

ISO/IEC 14882:2017

ISO/IEC 14882:2020



All Features supported

All Features supported

All Features supported

All Features supported

Most Features supported

Some Features supported

No features supported

Tier 2






Android API 15-28

CodeSonar ships with its own JVM, so the analysis of Java projects is not dependent on your local Java version(s).

C# .NET Framework 

1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

CodeSonar supports C# up to version 10.0

C# .NET Core

1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1

CodeSonar supports C# up to version 10.0

C# .NET 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0

CodeSonar supports C# up to version 10.0

Tier 3: all other languages

Go, JavaScript and TypeScript, Kotlin, Python, Rust

Analysis for tier 3 source languages is provided through integration with third-party analyzers.

We provide general instructions for integrating SARIF results from any analyzer with your CodeSonar project. We also provide tool-specific instructions for a select number of third-party analyzers. Some of these are shipped with CodeSonar and some are not.

Shipped with CodeSonar.

Note that if you are already using one of these tools in your organization, we recommend using your own installed version rather than the one shipped with CodeSonar.

  • Kotlin

Not shipped with CodeSonar. See the following section for more information.

  • Clang Static Analyzer
  • ESLint, typescript-eslint, SARIF formatter for ESLint
  • Pylint
  • Rust Clippy; Rust Clippy-Sarif
  • Staticcheck

Third-Party Tools Not Shipped with CodeSonar

CodeSonar provides a number of integrations with external third-party software: software that is neither part of CodeSonar nor shipped with CodeSonar.

  • In order to use these integrations, the relevant software must be available on your local system. If it is not already available, you will need to install and configure the software.
  • These software packages are supported by their respective manufacturers.

See the manual for more information.

Compiler Support

CodeSonar comes with a number of pre-installed compiler and compiler driver models and is expected to be compatible with widely-used versions of these compilers. Other compilers not on this list can be accommodated either through the generic compiler, or with the custom compiler accompanied with some scripting. 

It is important to note that an object-code compiler is represented in CodeSonar by a compiler model.

Model Description Linux FreeBSD NetBSD Windows

ARM Real View Compiler Tools C/C++ compiler

armclang ARM Clang compiler

Borland C++ for Win32, Embarcadero C++ for Win32


Wind River version of GNU C compiler


Keil C251 C Compiler

c51 Keil C51 C compiler
cc Generic C compiler

Wind River version of GNU C compiler


Renesas C/C++ compiler for RX family


Renesas C/C++ compiler for H8S, H8/300 Series


Freescale CodeWarrior for HC12

c1 Microsoft C compiler

Texas Instruments TMS320C3x/C4x Optimizing Compiler


Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 Optimizing C/C++ Compiler

clang Clang C compiler
clangpp Clang C++ compiler
cosmic Cosmic C compilers
cvavr CodeVisionAVR C compiler

Wind River C and C++ compilers

ecomppc Green Hills C Compiler

GNU Compiler Collection C Compiler


GNU Compiler Collection C++ Compiler

icc430 IAR MSP430 compiler
icc78k IAR Renesas 78k compiler
iccarm IAR ARM compiler
iccavr IAR AVR compiler

IAR compilers not covered by specific models

iccm32c IAR M32C compiler
iccrx IAR Renesas RX compiler
iccstm8 IAR STM8 compiler
iccv850 IAR v850 compiler
iccm16c IAR Renesas M16C/R8C compiler
mcc18 MPLAB C18 C Compiler
mcc30 MPLAB C30 C Compiler
mcpcom Intel C/C++ compiler
mwccarm Freescale CodeWarrior for Embedded ARM compiler

Freescale CodeWarrior for ColdFire compiler

picc Hi-Tech C compiler
qcc QNX C/C++ compiler
qpp QNX C/C++ compiler (C++ interface)

Renesas C/C++ compilers for the SuperH RISC engine family


Renesas C/C++ compilers for the SuperH RISC engine family


The TASKING TriCore, PCP, and C166/ST10 compilers


The SHARC, TigerSHARC and Blackfin compilers that ship with VisualDSP++

xcc Customizable C compiler


Supported without Compiler Models

(Windows Only) CodeSonar provides special handling for builds with CodeWarrior installations that use DLLs:

Mode Notes
DLLs If your CodeWarrior installation uses DLLs, there will be a collection of compiler plugin .dll files in an installation subdirectory. Usually the subdirectory will be something like

where cw_install is the CodeWarrior installation directory.

In this case, use the DLL Approach (Windows only)

compiler executables If your CodeWarrior installation uses compiler executables, there will be one or more compiler .exe files in an installation subdirectory. Usually the subdirectory will be something like

where cw_install is the CodeWarrior installation directory.

In this case, use the Standard Approach


DLL Approach (Windows only)

If your CodeWarrior installation uses DLLs, you will need to install CodeSonar DLLs for CodeWarrior so that CodeSonar can capture full information about your software build. 

Standard Approach

If your CodeWarrior installation uses compiler executables rather than DLLs, you don't need to install any additional components. Observed compiler invocations will be recognized and mapped to Compiler Support (Pre-installed Compiler/Driver Models) using exactly the same mechanisms as are used for other tools.

There are currently three pre-installed CodeWarrior compiler models:

  • chc12: Freescale CodeWarrior for HC12 compiler model
  • mwccarm: Freescale CodeWarrior for Embedded ARM compiler
  • mwccmcf: Freescale CodeWarrior for ColdFire compiler model

Custom Compiler Models

CodeSonar ships with compiler models for many industry standard compilers. In cases where none of these models are suitable, a custom compiler model may be required.

Compiler models can be authored in C++ or Python and if you are a premium support customer you may leverage tailored support to help build out custom compiler models to fit your software project requirements. 

Note: STk compiler models are no longer supported. If you have previously implemented a custom STk compiler model and need assistance converting it to C++ or Python, please submit a support ticket where advice may be given on potential next steps. 

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