How CodeSecure handles your confidential information


We are committed to protecting your intellectual property as if it was our own. The following text is found on all support messages we send to you:

Do not upload or send any confidential and/or proprietary information to this ticket. If you believe your request requires the submission of any confidential or proprietary information please reach out directly to the support engineer to confirm and if necessary a secure file transfer mechanism will be used.

If the information you want to send us is sensitive or otherwise confidential, please do not upload it directly to a support ticket or email it to us. Let us know ahead of time and we'll describe the best method to transfer files between both parties. 

What we do if we find sensitive information in a ticket response

  1. Notify you immediately
  2. Remove all sensitive files from our encrypted workstations
  3. Redact the content from the ticket

Deleting files when the ticket is resolved

We will keep your sensitive content only as long as necessary to successfully close your ticket. Once a ticket is solved we will:

  1. Delete files from all encrypted workstations including teams we have shared any files with. Engineers receive a reminder email to do this when a ticket is solved.
  2. We have retention policies in place which will automatically removes files after 7 days if anything is missed first time around.

Sending and Receiving Artifacts

If you have large artifacts to send as part of troubleshooting an issue and have opened up a support ticket please ask the engineer to provide links so artifacts can be sent safe and securely. We do have capabilities available to send and receive large files so please ask before sending anything over. 

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